LOST is a television series that came on air in 2004. It was created by JJ Abrams, and the score was composed by Michael Giacchino. It tells the misfortunes of an ensemble cast who get stranded on a mysterious island due to a plane crash. It's intended audience is wide, mainstream, and the text contains conventions that would gratify an active and passive audience.
The series contains many enigma codes, to draw the audience into watching the further episodes, providing gratifications for an active audience who are eager to discover what will happen next. This is evident in my chosen episode when Walt, a young, black boy is out searching for his dog, when he comes across a set of handcuffs. When he sees them the pace of the score begins to increase, and his expression demonstrates the curiosity he feels, as well as the build up of the pace of the score and the volume of it, which can help the audience feel the way he does: curious. This also creates the narrative theme of paranoia, suggesting a sense of mistrust. Straight after this happens the screen goes black. This has been constructed in such a way that causes the audience (both passive and active) to ask questions, and feel the need to watch the next one for answers.
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